Jenna Massardo - Geek of all things Technology


Welcome. My name is Jenna. This site is my place to make notes about things I do, reminders for how to do cool stuff, and a place to show off some of my projects.

I’m completely retooling my site and content so it’s pretty plain right now. I plan to write more about the various projects, hobbies, and groups that I’m involved in.

One question I get asked a lot is what does DXRF stand for? Well… I’ve been a ham radio operator for a long time and I’ve been a computer nerd even longer. when I purchased my first domain name back in the 90’s, I had the intention of setting up a Ham Radio related site so I selected something radio related.

DX = Long distance communications

RF = Radio Frequency

The intent was to build a place for Hams from all over to connect. then I learned about and found a rich community there. I decided to keep the domain name since it’s only 4 letters long :)